Monday, November 16, 2009

We Are Thankful...

We know it's a little early and this should probably be our post for next week instead of this week, but I'm afraid I'll be so busy that I won't have time to post!  Here's a list of just a few of the things we're thankful for.  See if you can guess who said what!  :)

1.  Our family
2.  A warm place to live
3.  Den's new bike
4.  Legos
5.  That Elder Ririe is serving a mission and doing awesome!
6.  That were able to serve others
7.  Friends
8.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ
9.  Fall leaves (until we have to pick them up)
10.  A good rainstorm
11.  Flatirons
12.  Vacations
13.  Mom's cooking
14.  Someone to love and being loved in return
15.  Basketball
16.  Long letters from Lance
17.  Temples

Leave a comment and tell us what you and your family are thankful for!


  1. You know this has to be said....
    1. Tampons
    2. Toilets
    3. Bras
    4. Scissors
    5. My opposable thumbs

  2. I truly believe that basketball should be #1 if not at least #2.
